Wednesday, March 16, 2016

RODENT#2 - Octobre 1990

Télécharger le numéro 2 (FR/57Mo)
publié le 11 mars 2016

ENGLISH version coming soon !

Après quasiment neuf mois de travail ininterrompu, RODENT#2 est enfin disponible ! Au programme, plus de 25 critiques d'albums et d'une dizaine de critiques de films, plus l'actualité BD/jeu vidéo de la fin de l'année 1990, d'autres articles et une cassette gratuite ! Le tout dans un numéro de plus de 100 pages !

Pour un meilleur confort de lecture, nous vous recommandons l'affiche double page d'Adobe Reader.

De multiples liens multimédia sont cachés dans les pages, n'hésitez pas à les chercher !

A noter que le numéro devrait être disponible au format papier via un site d'impression pour un prix inférieur à 10€.

RODENT recherche toujours activement de nouveaux collaborateurs ! Pour tout contact, envoyez un mail à


  1. Sorry to say that I have not read this yet... But it is definitely something I am interested in due to my love for all things 90's. The main reason I came here however, is because of your posts on Rate Your Music which I find to be hilarious whether I agree with them or not so basically I am just here to compliment you. I really am interested in stuff though, I really am.

    1. Thanks mate! What's your username on RYM?

    2. I was bigretard15. You won't find me around commenting, though, sorry to say. I was suspended due to a few unfortunate incidents.

    3. Hey there, it's me again, and I wanted to talk to you about your splendid PlayStation list, that is if you're still around here. Anyways, I just wanted to say that I hope you come around again and provide some new content and that I love your thoughts on the PS1, especially when it comes to the Final Fantasy games even though I love VIII and you don't. I would like to ask about your thoughts on Parasite Eve, Vagrant Story, Chrono Cross, Legend of Legaia, The Legend of Dragoon and other such PS1 RPGs, assuming you've paid any kind of attention to them at all, that is. I would love it if you replied again as I highly value your thoughts and wish to see you do more with this site. See you around.

    4. Hey! Thanks for the support. I haven't played the games you've mentioned, but they certainly are on my wishlist. I've played Vagrant Story a bit, it was a bit too austere and complex for me at the time, but it looks like a pretty original and interesting game, with an especially great atmosphere.

      PlayStation 1 games will certainly be extensively featured in Rodent issues covering the second half of the decade, although sadly for the time being we'll focus on the French edition...

    5. Thanks for getting back to me! (again) and I look forward to the PS1 issue of RODENT.
